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Stanford 25 Skills Symposium Documentary
Purpose and History of the Stanford 25 by Dr. Abraham Verghese (Stanford 25 Skills Symposium)
Creating a Bedside Medicine Culture (Stanford 25 Skills Symposium)
Teaching Bedside Physical Exam Skills in the Classroom (Stanford 25 Skills Symposium)
Evidence Based Medicine for the Physical Exam by Dr. Steve McGee (Stanford 25 Skills Symposium)
Spasticity versus Rigidity (Stanford 25 Skills Symposium, 2015)
The 5-Minute Bedside Moment - Dr. Abraham Verghese (Stanford Skills Symposium)
Welcome from Errol Ozdalga
Warren Buffett breaks down how he would invest if he had to start again with $1 million
The Thyroid Exam Stanford Medicine 25
This is the reality of becoming a surgeon.
Stanford Seed Transformation Program Explained